General information about company

Scrip code542670
NSE Symbol
MSEI Symbol
Name of the companyARTEMIS ELECTRICALS AND PROJECTS LIMITED (Formerly Known as "Artemis Electricals Limited)
Whether company is SMENo
Class of SecurityEquity Shares
Type of reportQuarterly
Quarter Ended / Half year ended/Date of Report (For Prelisting / Allotment)31-03-2023
Date of allotment / extinguishment (in case Capital Restructuring selected) / Listing Date
Shareholding pattern filed underRegulation 31 (1) (b)
Whether the listed entity is Public Sector Undertaking (PSU)?No


Sr. No.ParticularYes/No Promoter and Promoter GroupPublic shareholder Non Promoter- Non Public
1Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares?No NoNo No
2Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities ?No NoNo No
3Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Warrants ?No NoNo No
4Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against which depository receipts are issued?No NoNo No
5Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in?Yes YesNo No
6Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or otherwise encumbered?Yes Yes
7Whether company has equity shares with differential voting rights?No NoNo No
8Whether the listed entity has any significant beneficial owner?Yes

Table VI - Statement showing foreign ownership limits

ParticularApproved limits (%)Limits utilized (%)
As on shareholding date1000.33
As on the end of previous 1st quarter1000.32
As on the end of previous 2nd quarter1000.32
As on the end of previous 3rd quarter1000.32
As on the end of previous 4th quarter1000.32

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I)Category of shareholder (II)Nos. Of shareholders (III)No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) RightsTotal as a % of (A+B+C)
Class eg: XClass eg:yTotal
(A)Promoter & Promoter Group7181313391813133972.23181313391813133972.23
(C)Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1)Shares underlying DRs
(C2)Shares held by Employee Trusts

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I)Category of shareholder (II)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Locked in shares (XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)Sub-categorization of shares
No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)Sub-category (i)Sub-category (ii)Sub-category (iii)
(A)Promoter & Promoter Group72.234000002.21375949020.7318131339
(C)Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1)Shares underlying DRs
(C2)Shares held by Employee Trusts

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr.Category & Name of the Shareholders (I)Nos. Of shareholders (III)No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) RightsTotal as a % of Total Voting rights
Class eg: XClass eg:yTotal
ATable II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
(a)Individuals/Hindu undivided Family33974760397476015.833974760397476015.83
(d)Any Other (specify)4141565791415657956.39141565791415657956.39
Sub-Total (A)(1)7181313391813133972.23181313391813133972.23
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 7181313391813133972.23181313391813133972.23
BTable III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
(1)Institutions (Domestic)
(2)Institutions (Foreign)
(d)Foreign Portfolio Investors Category I175000750000.375000750000.3
Sub-Total (B)(2)175000750000.375000750000.3
(3)Central Government / State Government(s)
(b)Directors and their relatives (excluding independent directors and nominee directors)11770361770360.711770361770360.71
(g)Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs15713819343819341.523819343819341.52
(h)Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs10130193313019335.19130193313019335.19
(i)Non Resident Indians (NRIs)9683468340.03683468340.03
(l)Bodies Corporate154911782491178219.574911782491178219.57
(m)Any Other (specify)321178321178320.471178321178320.47
Sub-Total (B)(4)16386897351689735127.486897351689735127.48
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)+(B)(4)16396972351697235127.776972351697235127.77
CTable IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 )164625103690251036901002510369025103690100
Total (A+B+C )164625103690251036901002510369025103690100

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr.No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Locked in shares (XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)Sub-categorization of shares
No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)Sub-category (i)Sub-category (ii)Sub-category (iii)
ATable II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
Sub-Total (A)(1)72.234000002.21375949020.7318131339
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 72.234000002.21375949020.7318131339
BTable III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
(1)Institutions (Domestic)
(2)Institutions (Foreign)
Sub-Total (B)(2)0.375000000
(3)Central Government / State Government(s)
Sub-Total (B)(4)27.486897351000
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)+(B)(4)27.776972351000
CTable IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 )1004000001.5925103690
Total (A+B+C )1004000001.59375949014.9825103690
Disclosure of notes on shareholding patternTextual Information(1)

Text Block

Textual Information()
The Stakeholders are requested to kindly note that the Company has sub-divided the equity shares of the Company on the record date of 31/03/2023 and in the ratio of 1:10. Thus, the new ISIN have been obtained by the Company which is effective from 01/04/2023. Therefore, the face value of the equity share is being considered as Rs. 10 per equity shares, as on 31/03/2023, in consideration of the aforesaid.

Individuals/Hindu undivided Family

Searial No.123
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)3421706553014403974760
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)3421706553014403974760
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)13.632.2015.83
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg:X3421706553014403974760
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights13.632.2015.83
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(Xi)(a) As a % of (A+B+C2)13.632.2015.83
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)0000
As a % of total Shares held (b)0000
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)0000
As a % of total Shares held (b)0000
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)3421706553014403974760
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN
Shareholder typePromoterPromoter GroupPromoter Group

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.1234
CategoryBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateClick here to go back
No. of the Shareholders (I)11114
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)57276455370700265823440000014156579
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)57276455370700265823440000014156579
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)22.8221.3910.591.5956.39
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X57276455370700265823440000014156579
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights22.8221.3910.591.5956.39
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)22.8221.3910.591.5956.39
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)000400000400000
As a % of total Shares held (b)0001002.83
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)03759490003759490
As a % of total Shares held (b)0700026.56
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)57276455370700265823440000014156579
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN
Shareholder typePromoterPromoter GroupPromoter GroupPromoter Group

Bodies Corporate

Searial No.12
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)277395018885944662544
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)277395018885944662544
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)11.057.5218.57
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X277395018885944662544
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights11.057.5218.57
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)11.057.5218.57
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)277395018885944662544
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN
Sub-categorization of shares
Shareholding (No. of shares) under
Sub-category (i)000
Sub-category (ii)000
Sub-category (iii)000

Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.

Searial No.1
Name of the Shareholders (I)RAMNIRANJAN BHUTRAClick here to go back
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)885185885185
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)885185885185
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)3.533.53
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X885185885185
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights3.533.53
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)3.533.53
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)885185885185
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN
Sub-categorization of shares
Shareholding (No. of shares) under
Sub-category (i)00
Sub-category (ii)00
Sub-category (iii)00

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.12
CategoryClearing MembersHUF
Category / More than 1 percentageCategoryCategory
Name of the Shareholders (I)Click here to go back
PAN (II)Total
No. of the Shareholders (I)72532
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)1033116799117832
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)1033116799117832
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)00.470.47
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X1033116799117832
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights00.470.47
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)00.470.47
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)1033116799117832
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN
Sub-categorization of shares
Shareholding (No. of shares) under
Sub-category (i)000
Sub-category (ii)000
Sub-category (iii)000

significant beneficial owners

Sr. No.Details of the SBODetails of the registered ownerDetails of holding/ exercise of right of the SBO in the reporting company, whether direct or indirect*:Date of creation / acquisition of significant beneficial interest
NamePAN Passport No. in case of a foreign nationalNationalityNationality (Applicable in case of Any other is selected)NamePAN Passport No. in case of a foreign nationalNationalityNationality (Applicable in case of Any other is selected)Whether by virtue of:
SharesVoting rightsRights on distributable dividend or any other distributionExercise of controlExercise of significant influence
Total: 212121